Baby rabbits are very cute for a while, but they will grow up. If you get a fully grown rabbit, then you know exactly how big the rabbit will be. Many pet shops sell rabbits as "dwarfs" but they grow up into big rabbits. Also baby rabbits will grow up and go through bunny puberty. This is where male rabbits spray everything in urine to mark territory, and both male and female rabbits can get aggressive. Until the rabbit is old enough to be spayed, there is nothing you can do. Also rabbit's personalities can change with puberty.

A cuddly friendly bunny may turn into a big territorial finger biting terror. When you adopt an older rabbit (>6 months), his/her personality won't change much. If you do end up buying a baby rabbit, please make sure it is 8-10 weeks old. May pet shops take the baby rabbits away from their mum's far too early. Baby rabbits need to stay with their mum (doe) to develop intestinal bacteria. While the babies are drinking milk from the doe, their intestines are sterile. When they start eating solid food, they also eat the doe's poops. Taking the babies away too soon means they may develop intestinal problems later on due to the lack of healthy bacteria.
Picture By : hamsteronline.comArticle By : http://www.fuzzy-rabbit.com/faq.htm
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